Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Do We Really Have Rights?

The government says we have rights. The constitution reads the rights we supposedly have. But all in all do we really have rights? The answer is maybe. We are at times, like in the privacy 0f our own homes, given the freedom to bear arms or use our freedom of speech. Yet speaking your mind in public is wrong. The people who realize this as the truth and say something are called traitors and are most likely exhalted for their beliefs. It's not all the government's fault though. We are so used to doing what everyone else does that we in a sense have lost are freedom and rights. We have become prisoners to our own minds just to fit in. And when someone with different views comes along we mock them and call them things like commies. In essence we are all no different. Just are governments are different. We should embrace each others differences and sever the ties of ignorance before the world's population ends up hating everyone else. The road to having rights must first begin with on the path of acceptence. Through off your shackles of oppression and join me in the hopes of creating a world where man can live in peace. Remember this is everyone's fault not just the foreigners, or the government, or anything else's. We must bring a call to action to save and improve the lives of millions.

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