Thursday, May 22, 2008


Friends are a very crutial part in everyones life. They accept who you are and help you and a good friend doesn't care what you have done and always has your back. No matter who you are or where you live your friends will always be there for you. Contrary to this post I was very depressed. My friend and neighbor Chad came into my class and told me if I had any problems I could always talk to him. It made me realize that my friends are always there for me. And before that my other friend Cody, who is Chad's younger brother, tried to cheer me up as well. So I'd like to say thanks for stickin with me and being good friends Chad and Cody. So who is your guy's best friends?

And now it's time for a random post!

Ok so I was just thinkin of how to make my site better and I thought why not do some random posts? So I mean some of my readers may not fully comprehend what I say or else they may get bored of the same damn thing over again in such serious tones. So in thought of my readers I'm beginning to make these. Random Posts can be about anything. This one I'm making for jokes. So submit your favorite jokes and I will throw them on the responded post. Just make sure not to include any prejudice jokes. If you have any that you like and are really funny then send them and I will replace any prejudice words. After all, this site is about free speech. Alright so my joke is about lawyers. Its a bit old so I don't know if you guys will like it. So what do you call 1,000 lawyers at the bottom of the sea? A problem. What do you call 10,000 lawyers at the bottom of the sea? A problem. What do you call it when all the lawyers are at the bottom of the sea? Problem solved.

Grand Theft Auto 4

I tried GTA4 the other day. I really love the game but the thing that gets me is the change of what button does what. The graphics are really amazing though. If your a Grand Theft Auto Fan then you will love this game.