Thursday, June 5, 2008


I'm someone who loves music. I probably die if I went a day without listening to any music. Some of my favorite bands are Five Finger Death Punch, Breaking Benjamin, The Gorillaz, Adema, Dope, Esoterica, Ill Nino, Static-X, etc. I'm serious when I say that the list could go on but since I don't want to bore the hell out of my audiance I'll kill the list there. I like some raplike ICP but other than that I'm a rock/alternative rock man. I hate country music. I'm in the process of getting my own band together and who knows. Maybe you'll hear about me on the news or whatever. Yeah right! Hahahahaha. So what are some of your guy's favorite bands and music?

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Help Please!!!!!!!!

There are not a whole lot of readers( if any at all) and I really could use your guy's help. Please inform all your friends, family, co-workers, and even that homeless guy you see on the street everyday on your way to work ( ya know the one that you feel bad for but don't give any spare change. Yeah I know about that.) about my site. In order to establish my dream of opening the eyes of people I need viewers to read my posts. So please spread the word and thank you for the help. In fact why not bring this site in your next board meeting ( yeah I know about that too Mr.CEO).

Gas Prices

This is a very important topic. I've only had my permit for almost a year and gas is damn near $5 a gallon! The price needs to lower and majorly. I can hardly get my parents to let me practice due to the price of gas. It really pisses me off. And I know that a lot of people are feeling the same way. Come on you governmental pricks! Some people have families to support and rely on their vehicle as transportation. How do you guys feel about gas prices and what do you think we can do to lower them?

Thursday, May 22, 2008


Friends are a very crutial part in everyones life. They accept who you are and help you and a good friend doesn't care what you have done and always has your back. No matter who you are or where you live your friends will always be there for you. Contrary to this post I was very depressed. My friend and neighbor Chad came into my class and told me if I had any problems I could always talk to him. It made me realize that my friends are always there for me. And before that my other friend Cody, who is Chad's younger brother, tried to cheer me up as well. So I'd like to say thanks for stickin with me and being good friends Chad and Cody. So who is your guy's best friends?

And now it's time for a random post!

Ok so I was just thinkin of how to make my site better and I thought why not do some random posts? So I mean some of my readers may not fully comprehend what I say or else they may get bored of the same damn thing over again in such serious tones. So in thought of my readers I'm beginning to make these. Random Posts can be about anything. This one I'm making for jokes. So submit your favorite jokes and I will throw them on the responded post. Just make sure not to include any prejudice jokes. If you have any that you like and are really funny then send them and I will replace any prejudice words. After all, this site is about free speech. Alright so my joke is about lawyers. Its a bit old so I don't know if you guys will like it. So what do you call 1,000 lawyers at the bottom of the sea? A problem. What do you call 10,000 lawyers at the bottom of the sea? A problem. What do you call it when all the lawyers are at the bottom of the sea? Problem solved.

Grand Theft Auto 4

I tried GTA4 the other day. I really love the game but the thing that gets me is the change of what button does what. The graphics are really amazing though. If your a Grand Theft Auto Fan then you will love this game.

Tuesday, February 12, 2008


Why do the most worse memories haunt us? What is it that makes people remember the worse times of their lives so much easier than remembering the best? I know my memories haunt me every night. What do u guys think? Do u guys remember your worse or best memories easier?

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Free Speech?

Do we really have free speech? I don't think we do. Speech and certain words are becoming to pregidous. I mean there are always some damn guide lines telling you that you can't use certain words and stuff. It's like someone is feeding you what to say like some obedient machine or something. How do you guys feel?

Thursday, January 31, 2008


I have heard that a kindergadner named Hunter has a type of cancer. I would like to say sorry to hear that and I hope you get better. I will send in as many paper airplanes for you as possible. Anyone who reads this I hope you will help me out and make airplanes for poor Hunter. Your efforts are much appreciated.

Friday, January 25, 2008

Okay People, Improvise!

I'm tired of hearing people complain to me about something every day. I mean it's like I'm some damn third party in something I just found out about. It's wrong that people can't settle their problems with just each other and get bystanders involved. Just improvise!!! Do you guys agree or what?

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Do We Really Have Rights?

The government says we have rights. The constitution reads the rights we supposedly have. But all in all do we really have rights? The answer is maybe. We are at times, like in the privacy 0f our own homes, given the freedom to bear arms or use our freedom of speech. Yet speaking your mind in public is wrong. The people who realize this as the truth and say something are called traitors and are most likely exhalted for their beliefs. It's not all the government's fault though. We are so used to doing what everyone else does that we in a sense have lost are freedom and rights. We have become prisoners to our own minds just to fit in. And when someone with different views comes along we mock them and call them things like commies. In essence we are all no different. Just are governments are different. We should embrace each others differences and sever the ties of ignorance before the world's population ends up hating everyone else. The road to having rights must first begin with on the path of acceptence. Through off your shackles of oppression and join me in the hopes of creating a world where man can live in peace. Remember this is everyone's fault not just the foreigners, or the government, or anything else's. We must bring a call to action to save and improve the lives of millions.


People rely on technological advances too much. I mean the medical tech is excellent and the other tech that keeps people safe are well worth the money but do we really need phones with the internet on them? Of course not! Most households contain a computer with access to the internet . So then why spend tons of money on a phone? Some say it's cool while others say it's the next best thing. I say it's because it's in our nature to want what we really don't need. People don't want vaccinations for a disease they may never get but they need it. People instead may spend the same amount of cash for something they want but don't even need. Mankind is getting greedier by the day. Am I right to assume this? You decide.

Friday, January 18, 2008


The news as we know is very important but are they really covering all the most important events that we citizins should be aware of? The answer is most likely no. All they do is report what they are fed to say and drag people farther into a land of lies. They make the world seem so wonderful when the truth is that the world and civilization as we know it are dying. The world is actually unstable and very chaotic. Taxes are increasing everyday and gas prices are skyrocketing while we the people are suffering more and more because of the greediness of the government. Why do so many of us prefere to run around blind and stop acknowledging the truth? The answer is we are too damn scared. I think the media should do what they are paid to do and show a little light on the economy.

The Past

Not a day goes by that I don't see people beating up others because of the past. I mean take a look at the civil war for example. There are southerners who resent northerners for wining the Civil War. I mean what did the north win? Neither side really won anything. All that happened was that an argument got out of control and the result was bloodshed. Both the north and south only proved one thing: Violence never solves anything. So people please stop hating one another over what are ancestors screwed up on. If we don't learn to deal with letting the past go then how can we even say there can be a tomarro? So let the past die and start trying to help each other create a better world for one another.


The government's prime concern should be how to make peace with Iraq and to get our soldiers home to their families safely. They should also,in my oppinion,use the tax payers money on ways to cure cancer or AIDS and not use it to make machines to kill people. The people of the world need to be helped. The economy is suffering and all people are doing is stiring the fray. How do you guys feel about this topic?

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Video Games

Alright this is a major subject. People are going insane about video games. I mean they say video games are ruining the country and are making children become killers. I mean come on! Why don't the parents stop blamming the games and take responsebility for your actions. Take an interest in your kids and give them the attention they crave. I'm not saying it's all the parents fault but quite a bit of killers are known to have bad childhoods mainly with one or both of their parents. I mean look at Jeffery Dahmer. He was abondoned by both of his parents and he went on to kill and consume people. What do you guys think?


Teachers today are going a little to crazy with homework. I've seen kindergardners go home with the stuff. I mean come on!Let the kids enjoy their childhood while they still have it. It's getting rediculous. I mean don't get me wrong people but going to school and working 6 and a half hours just to come home for what? To relax? No! To do more work. But that's my oppinion. Please share your views on this subject.

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Movies and Music

When people take things like movies and music literally it tells me that people are going to far. I mean just because a slasher flick shows someone getting offed doesn't mean it's a bad movie. And so what if there's a curse word or two in a song. Why can't people lighten up a little instead of declaring war on the music industry or taking horror movies too damn literal. It's use of freedom of speech and too many people are afraid to use it now a days. What do you guys think?


What is wrong with people today? They kill their friends and family when they should be enjoying their lives not destroying them.We should be trying to build a perfect world to bring people and not bigger bombs to blow them apart .What do you guys think?